

County commissioners want to know what voters think of proposed law and justice center

The project has a not-to-exceed cost of $65 million
and last updated

The discussion about a new Law and Justice Center for Gallatin County has been going on for a while now.

County Commissioners met Tuesday and set a date for a public comment period about the proposed new building.

The project has a not-to-exceed cost of $65 million.

The county would ask voters for a $59 million bond issue.

This would cost taxpayers approximately $34.10 on $200,000 dollar assessed value home.

Commissioner Don Seifert says he's in favor of a new Law and Justice Center.

“The current Law and Justice Center has served us well but it does not have that ability to have another court room added to it to the civil filings, the court filings have been up to record highs, and we are in need of a fourth district court,” said Commissioner Seifert.

“There's no way to add that to this building.”

The public hearing will take Monday, August 12th at 12:00 pm in the Gallatin County courthouse.

County Commissioners must reach a unanimous decision in order for the proposal to be included on the November ballot.