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Fall Feastival celebrates Farm to School Month


BOZEMAN, Mont. – Gallatin Valley Farm to School celebrated the changing of the seasons by educating young children during the 2018 Farm to School Feastival at Rocky Creek Farms.

October is the nationally recognized Farm to School Month. This year marks the sixth annual Feastival; its goal is to encourage healthy eating while supporting local farmers in Montana.

“You know what, if you can pull a carrot out of the ground and recognize where it comes from or pull a potato out of the ground it is that much easier as a parent to get your kid to eat those healthy things,” said Executive Director Sam Blomquist.

The Feastival partnered with Montana State University students as they offered hands-on activities like butter making, cider pressing, pumpkin ring toss, and apple bowling. Graduate Student Alyssa Stewart believes activities like these connect consumers to their food.

“Right now we are kinda still eating a lot of processed food, a lot of fast food but I think the kids are learning,” said Stewart. “Especially what they are learning today and in their schools, we will see a shift when they grow up where they are wanting to buy local food. They are wanting to buy more fresh produce, they are wanting to know where their food comes from.”

Blomquist said throughout the day, anywhere between 2,000 and 6,000 parents and kids will take part in the Feastival.