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UPDATE: Three people found dead in Bozeman garage on Sunday identified

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UPDATE, 9/17/24 — Gallatin County Sheriff/Coroner Dan Springer identified the man and two women who were found dead in a Bozeman garage on Sunday.

Springer said in a media release that 29-year-old Tomas Rosales, 31-year-old Heidy Noj-Lopez, and 26-year-old Dora Perez-Cujcuj died of accidental carbon monoxide poisoning.

Sheriff Springer expressed his condolences to the friends and family of the victims.

(Earlier report)

BOZEMAN — Three people were found dead in a garage in Bozeman on Sunday, according to the Bozeman Police Department.

Bozeman Police said on social media that detectives and the Gallatin County Coroner responded to a call near the 3000 block of North 27th Avenue on Sunday afternoon. A man and two women were found dead in the garage.

According to the owner of Mr. Burritos, the three victims were his employees. He told MTN on Monday that he was saddened and shocked by the news and said it was a big loss for his employees and the victims’ families.

He described them as full of life and hardworking, and he says that he intends to take on the funeral costs of his former employees.

Police say the investigation into their deaths is ongoing, and carbon monoxide poisoning remains a possibility.

The names of the people who died are being withheld until their families have been notified, according to Bozeman Police. Any further updates about their identities will come from the Gallatin County Sheriff/Coroner.

El Departamento de Polica en Bozeman esta investigando la muerte de tres prersonas que fueron encontrados en una cochera el Domingo a medio dia.

El departamento de policia respondio al a cuarda 3000 Norte avenida 27 donde localizaron a dos murjeres y a un hombre mureto.

La causa de la Muerte sigue bajo investigacion pero los agentes de policia creen que la cuasa de Muerte fue envenenamiento por monoxido de carbon.

Segun el dueño de Mr. Burritos las victimas fueron emplados en el restaurante. El dueño estuvo sorprendio por la notica el Lunes, dicendo que era una perdida muy grande para sus compañeros y a la familia de las victimas.

Las victimas son descritas como trabjadores y llenos de vida.

El dueno de Mr. Burrito dijo el lunes que esta sorprendido por el apoyo de la communidad. El dueño menciono que para apoyar a las victimas se va a encargar de los costos funerales.

Las identidades de las victimas todavia no se realizan hasta que el la officina del sheriff de condado Gallatin avise a las familias.