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DPHHS announces logo contest for new Southwest Montana Veterans Home

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Montana’s Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) has announced a logo design contest for the new Southwest Montana Veterans Home (SWMVH) under construction in Butte.

In a press release, DPHHS officials ask “state residents with a knack for creativity to help design an innovative and professional logo” for the home, scheduled to open in 2020.

The winner will be designated as the designer on a plaque that will permanently be displayed in the SWMVH Community Center. The winner will also receive a duplicate plaque.

DPHHS says it will accept submissions through March 16, 2020, with a winner to be announced later this spring.

Below are the details and rules for the contest:

Entries must be mailed on a thumb drive to:

SWMVH Logo Contest

Attention: Mark Gollinger
2201 White Blvd
Butte, MT 59701

The logo designs can be submitted on a thumb drive as a scalable vector graphic in EPS format or high resolution over 4000 x 3000 pixel size .jpg file. However, an EPS file type is preferred. Logo designs can also be submitted as a high resolution .pdf with 300 dpi or higher.

The logo will be featured on the SWMVH website, social media platforms, print media, signage, and other mediums. As a result, the logo must be clean, recognizable, and concise.

There are no limitations on colors. However, the logo must look legible in color, black and white and as an embossed stamp.

The logo cannot contain copyrighted material and must be created and edited by the contestant(s). Logos may not include images or licensed images that have been previously published. It must be easily reproducible and scalable for large and small formatting.

The facility name Southwest Montana Veterans Home or acronym ‘SWMVH’ must be included.

The winner will be selected by a panel of representatives from the Southwest Montana Veterans Home Foundation and DPHHS. Contestants agree that the Foundation and DPHHS may publish their logo and name(s) and may use for advertising campaigns, SWMVH branding, and marketing materials in the future.

Contestants assign all ownership rights, including all intellectual property rights to the logo and to the State of Montana. Additionally, SWMVH may alter, modify, or revise the logo as it sees necessary.

For more information call Shaunda Hildebrand of the DPHHS Senior and Long Term Care Division at 444-4209 or email Or, visit the SWMVH website at []