Bryce Shiver recalled the day his pregnant wife Brittany and their four kids watched as their home went up in flames.
“I came over the hill there and saw the whole place engulfed, and I knew that they would be gone if they were in there,” Bryce Shiver says.
This isn't the first time the Shivers lost their home. Two years ago, pipes burst in their home near Livingston, and black mold was discovered.
“We decided to tear it down and move out of it into an RV until we could rebuild,” Bryce says.
Exactly two years later, a fire destroyed the Shiver’s camper.
“I have never really been hysterical before, but I have to say I was in absolute hysterics,” Brittany says.
As the couple sorts through the debris, looking for what's left of their belongings, Brittany recalls her panic the day of the fire.
“I had this moment of realization: get your kids and get out!” Brittany says.
At 39 weeks pregnant, she got her children to safety. Even though the Shivers spent Christmas in a hotel, the community made it special.
“They helped us so much, they surprised us with a Christmas room and put gifts out for the kids,” Bryce says.
Bryce says everyone has rallied together for them.
“People I didn’t even know or people I didn't know, knew, or cared about have just come forward. Neighbors were here rescuing the animals, and it’s just an incredible community,” he says.
As the Shivers are now working to rebuild their homestead, they're working to keep things in perspective.
“We can't really feel too hurt or upset because it's just stuff that's lost. The Lord spared the important part of my family,” Bryce says.
A yard sale to benefit the family will be held at Expedition Church on 27 Merrill Lane. Donations are being accepted from Monday, Jan. 6 to Wednesday, Jan. 8. The sale opens on Jan. 9 with a $10 early bird donation.
To learn more about how you can help, click here.