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Family remembers man killed in crash outside of Gallatin Gateway (Familiares recuerdan al hombre en accidente)

Roney SOTO .jpg

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BOZEMAN — Last week, 29-year-old Roney Soto was tragically killed in a car accident in the Gallatin Canyon. I had the opportunity to speak with his brother-in-law about the man who came here from Honduras with a dream, but that dream was unfortunately cut short.

“He always was a joyful guy, he inspired everyone to have joy from work or when we would go out,” says Elmer Aaron Suazo.

 Elmer Suazo is Roney Soto’s brother-in-law; both moved to Montana from neighboring towns in Honduras.

“I'm going to need him a lot, just as much as his family, his wife and kids,” says Suazo. “We always used to talk about what the trip was like to get to the American Dream,”

Suazo describes his brother-in-law as a family man; his motivation was his family thousands of miles away.

He always used to tell me what he was working on back in Honduras, ‘I'm fixing up my house,' he used to tell me. While he was here he always seemed to think about his family even more than I did,” says Suazo.

The hardest thing for Suazo to cope with is knowing all of the sacrifices Soto made without fully achieving his dreams.

“Unfortunately, he never finished the work he started, but he helped them,” says Suazo.

The one thing he will remember about his brother-in-law is his selflessness.

"For me he was always an example to follow here and back home,” says Suazo.

The family and groups are raising money on GoFundMe to return his body back home to Honduras so that they get a chance to say goodbye.

La semana pasada Roney Soto, murio en un accidente en el cerro de Gallatin. Tuve al orportunidad de platicar con el cuñado de Roney, Elmer Aaron Suazo, sobre la vida de Roney, y los sacrificos que hizo para venir a los Esados Unidos a cumplir el sueño Americano.

“Pues, que le digo, el siempre fue un muchacho alegre, siempre inspriaba alegria para las cosas si era para trabajar, or cuando saliamos,” dice Elemer Aaron Suazo.

Suazo y Soto se conocian desde jovenes crecieron en pueblos cercanos en Honduras.

“Me va hacer mucha flata tanto a mi como a los familiars de el, y mas a los hijos y a la mujer,” dice Suazo.

Cuando llegaron a Montana, llegaron a trabajar en el pueblo de Big Sky, fue donde trabajron para cumplir su sueño de regresar a Honduras.

“Varias veses hablavamos de como era el camino de lo que pasamos a llegar al sueno americano,” dice Suazo.

Suazo describe a Soto como un hombre familiar, para el su motivation eran sus hijos y esposa miles de millas de Montana.

Lo mas dificil para comprender es saber todos los sacrificios que hizo Soto sin lograr sus suenos de regresar con su familia.

“No la termino de arrelgar su casa lastimoasmente le falto que arreglarla pero les ayudo,” dice Suazo.

Lo que Suazo var recordar mas de su cuñado es el ejemplo de le dió.

“Siempre fue mi ejemplo para seguir tanto alla como aqui,” dice Suazo.

La familia y varios grupos estan recaudando fondos para regresar el cuerpo de Roney para Honduaras para que ellos se puedan despidir de el.