
Tips and tricks for saving and paying for your rent

Tips and tricks for saving and paying for your rent
Posted 9:14 PM, May 26, 2020
and last updated 2:59 PM, May 27, 2020

Gov. Steve Bullock's order to limit foreclosures, evictions, and disconnections from services expired on May 24.

MTN News spoke with property managers and landlords to answer some questions tenants may have during this transition period.

Integrity Property Management owner Jessica Bubar told MTN News that many of her tenants have been stressed about making rent during the coronavirus pandemic.

"Plenty of tenants have been waiting for checks from the government or maybe aren't working or maybe waiting for their unemployment to come in," said Bubar.

Her biggest suggestion is to be open with your landlord or property manager. She explained that tenants need to call them, don't wait for them to call you.

Depending on when you get your paycheck or stimulus money, she suggests to pay what you can, when you can.

"If you're concerned about being able to pay all of your rent on the first of this month, most property managers allow you to pay in advance," said Bubar. "If you can pay $100 this week, drop off $100."

However, delaying payment can put pressure on your landlord like, Kalispell landlord Keegan Reese.

"For small time landlords like me the margins aren't big, for a lot of us, it's not our primary source of income," said Reese.

"We still work. And with a shut down and everything if we're not working, we have to lean a little more heavily on what we make on our rentals," he added.

Reese told MTN News the pressure that's being created by coronavirus is effecting everyone, "it's local people. It's you, it's me. It's the old guy and lady down the street."

Bubar says she knows of several landlords in the area who originally were planning on increasing rent this summer and spring.

However, since COVID-19, she explained that those landlords are keeping their rent the same.

Here's a recap of our Rebound report:

  • Don't wait for your landlord to call you
  • Be honest and open with your landlord
  • Pay as much as you can when you can

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The Rebound: Montana