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Food trucks in Bozeman now have a permanent place to park for customers to enjoy


BOZEMAN — A new Food Truck park opened in Bozeman in June, and it hopes to grow into a community area for families and foodies to enjoy.

Immers Menijvar, the owner of la Unicia Pupuseria, says the decision to park his food truck in the court was easy.

"It looks like a great idea for us, and when we came here and saw the place and how hard they are working, we said yes and knew we wanted to be a part of it," says Immers.

Christian James, co-owner of Bozeman's food truck park, felt West Babcock Street was the perfect location.

"When we went and talked to developers, they said that the best use space for this space is a big new apartment complex. You know, we said we weren't that excited about that. Let's do something more of an amenity that will draw people to this area of town, and so what we ended up with was a cool, family-friendly food truck park," says Christian.

Christian is considering the weather as the summer heat keeps ramping up.

"I learned we need some more shade out here. The general weather will definitely be one of the big challenges. We are looking at using an on-site building to provide indoor seating, which is a unique thing for Bozeman, and hopefully give these food truck vendors who struggle during the winter an option to extend their season a little bit," Christian says.

Christian has deemed the area from the corner of 19th and Babcock to Feed Cafe the new Northern Lights district. He will need more food trucks to create the new gathering space.

"The first phase is getting the right food trucks here on site. Whether they are permanent, or we will have some spaces that are kind of rotating."

Immer's food truck is here to stay.

"It is amazing because I see families and kids who spend time not just for the food but also for the place."

And the best thing on his menu?

"Ppupusas!" A thick griddlecake from El Salvador. Bozeman people are happy to try pupusas now," Immers says.

The new food truck park is working to spread the word. In the meantime, they are having a block party in August.