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Gallatin High School students earning college credit through advanced Spanish language class

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BOZEMAN — Gallatin High School started a new class this year that focuses on students who already speak Spanish.

“One of the people that inspired me to do this was my elementary teacher,” says Mr. Jose Garcia.

Mr. Garcia has been teaching for the last 21 years. In his first year at Gallatin High School, he took on something new.

“The students haven't had this class before. This is my first time teaching, so it's a process,” says Garcia. “The Heritage class is only for people to speak Spanish. And the idea with the classes, again, is for them to develop their skills, in our class.”

Mr. Garcia also teaches Spanish 2, which focuses on the fundamentals of the language.

“We don’t focus on grammar or anything like that, but the students do need to write, be able to read and communicate in the language in Spanish,” says Garcia.

The students and Mr. Garcia may all speak Spanish; however, they come from different cultures.

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“Because all our cultures, even though they're similar, we are not alike,” says Garcia.

Junior Jeny Martinez has seen the blending of cultures in the classroom.

“We all come together and learn a lot about other cultures, and it feels good, feels like we’re right at home,” says Martinez.

“Todos nos unimos y aprendemos mucho de otras diferente culturas y se siente bien porque se siente estar como en casa,” dice Martinez.

The students are thankful Gallatin offers this class to perfect their Spanish.

“I feel like the Gallatin has done a lot to help us feel right at home, and they do things that also help us feel comfortable,” says Martinez.

“Siento que la escuela a hecho todo lo que es possible para que nos sentimos en casa, en casa que a nosotros también nos hace sentir bien,” dice Martinez

Junior Sedvin Suazo has seen how this class provided him and his classmates with lifelong learning.

“Especially for people who were born here, and English is their first language, and for them it also helps them perfect their Spanish,” says Suazo.

“Mas a las personas que nacieron aquí que el primer idioma es inglés a ellos los ayudan a perfeccionar su Español porque no lo hablan bien,” dice Suazo.

The students and Mr. Garcia say it's a collaborative effort.

“It’s a great opportunity to be able to help my people,” says Garcia.

The students who take the class can also get college credit—something Martinez hopes to do.

“This class has helped me a lot and thanks to the class I'm going to keep studying and hope to be a Spanish teacher like Mr. Garcia and help others out,” says Martinez.

“Esta clase me ayudado mucho y gracias a esta clase voy a seguir a estudiar para ser una maestra de Español y hacer lo mismo que esta hacienda Mr. García,” dice Martinez.