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Governor Gianforte appears in Bozeman to speak on tax cuts


BOZEMAN — Governor Greg Gianforte was in Bozeman on Wednesday to discuss income and property tax relief for Montanans.

Gianforte appeared at Tactic, a small Montana-based business that provides tactical and security training for civilians, law enforcement, and private security groups.

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Governor Gianforte appears in Bozeman to speak on tax cuts

The homestead property tax cut, recommended by the governor’s bipartisan property tax task force, is expected to reduce property taxes for Montana homeowners by 15% and for small businesses by 18%.

“Over $800 million of relief just on income tax alone. It would again lower the top rate to make Montana more competitive and let you all keep more of what you work so hard to earn,” Gianforte said.

Gianforte concluded by nodding to small businesses across Montana. According to the Small Business Administration, Montana is home to nearly 125,000 businesses. Gianforte hopes to cut taxes for 25% of those businesses.