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Montana Department of Livestock confirms avian influenza in Gallatin County

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BOZEMAN — The Montana Department of Livestock (MDOL) said on Friday that Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) has been confirmed in a backyard poultry flock in Gallatin County.

According to a press release, six birds from the flock reportedly died in a 24-hour period. It is the first detection of HPAI in Montana domestic poultry this year and Montana's 30th affected flock in connection with the national outbreak that started in 2022.

The release said signs of HPAI in poultry include swollen eyes, discolored comb and legs, or a significant drop in egg production or water and feed consumption.

The release continued:

Migratory waterfowl are the primary source of the virus and infections in domestic poultry are often associated with spring and fall migrations. Domestic poultry may become infected through direct contact with infected wild birds, or through contact with contaminated objects, equipment, or the environment. MDOL recommends poultry owners house birds indoors to the extent possible and continue enhanced biosecurity measures to minimize disease risk through the spring migration.

All poultry producers are encouraged to report immediately a sudden onset of illness or high death loss in domestic poultry to their veterinarian or MDOL at (406/444-2976).

Anyone who finds sick or dead wild birds that have died from unknown causes is asked to contact your local Fish, Wildlife, and Parks Warden, Biologist or Regional office, or call the FWP wildlife veterinarian (406/577-7880).

Dairy producers who observe a sudden decrease in milk production, decreased appetite, fever, respiratory disease or loose feces that cannot be otherwise explained are encouraged to report to their veterinarian or MDOL.

Raw milk from sick cows should not be consumed.

No further details about the infected flock in Gallatin County were provided. We will update you if we get more information.