BOZEMAN — Division manager Matt Fettig of Northwestern Energy Montana says replacing distribution power poles is part of the infrastructure replacement program.
“You know, our power grid in Bozeman is in perfect shape. We are constantly working on improving and enhancing the system. It is exactly what we are doing today,” Fettig says.
Linemen gathered Thursday, hoisting in and replacing a nearly 50-year-old lodgepole pine power pole.
“It is a program we have, a reoccurring program where we inspect poles, and we constantly upgrade and enhance our system from year to year. This one was targeted last year to be replaced, but it's at the end of its working lifecycle,” Fettig says.
We reported in August and September about various power outages affecting thousands of customers after a series of wind and rainstorms swept through southwest Montana, including the Gallatin Valley and Butte.
“Unfortunately, we are in Montana, and storm events come through. That first one, I know we touched on winds upwards of 70 mph, and when we have that, unfortunately, we will have some outages,” Fettig says.
Fettig says many windstorm outages happen when a tree from outside the right of way falls into a powerline.
“When that happens, it's weather events that are outside our control, and it's up to us to respond to them, make the scene safe, and restore power as quickly as we can,” Fettig says.
And these linemen are working around the clock to keep the lights on.
“It is a 24/7 job. Three hundred sixty-five days a year,” Fettig says.
And as the population of the valley continues to grow—
“We will forecast where the new growth is coming from, Bozeman, so that we can stay ahead of it. We are upgrading equipment in substations and pole and wire to have more capacity,” Fettig says.