
Chamber of Commerce offers advice for businesses struggling with COVID challenges

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Running a business during the pandemic can not only be a financial struggle, but also a mental and emotional struggle, and the Great Falls Area Chamber of Commerce is trying to help. Teresa Appelwick of the Chamber recently talked with Ryanne Stellingwerf of Solutions Counseling in Great Falls. In the video, they discuss some of the challenges business owners and managers may be facing and methods to deal with the stress of navigating a business through the pandemic.

Chamber CEO Shane Etzwiler says the Chamber has been getting calls from businesses asking for help.

"The concept behind this video is a resource. A resource not only to our chamber members but to the community as a whole. Again, while we're the Chamber and we're a membership organization we're part of the community just like everyone else. We know we're going to get through this, but we want to be a resource to make sure we're all getting through it together,” said Etzwiler.

The Chamber is also preparing to start a weekly video series to help the community get to know businesses.

Click here to visit the Chamber website for more information and resources.

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