

Pattern change arrives this weekend

Colder temperatures and snow are in the forecast

BOZEMAN – Unseasonably warm and dry weather to continue for the rest of the week with forecast highs remaining 15 to 20 degrees above normal.

Take advantage of this short period of favorable weather to complete fall projects, like sprinkler system blowouts, trimming, weatherizing your home etc. By this weekend a pattern change will arrive.

A cold front will drop through Montana Saturday producing cooler temperatures, scattered showers, some higher mountain snow and gusty surface winds. Behind the front temperatures will be much cooler by Sunday with highs in the 40s for the lower valleys and possibly only in the 20s or 30s for higher elevations.

This means snow is likely to accumulate especially over all area mountain ranges and some of our local mountain passes Saturday night into Sunday morning. Lower valleys could see some minor snow accumulations on grassy surfaces Sunday morning.

Cooler air will remain in place for all of next week along with scattered areas of mostly mountain snow. It’s still a bit early for precise snow accumulation forecast numbers but right now forecast models show possibly over 6” of snow is possible above 7,000’ and higher amounts for the higher peaks. As we get closer to the weekend, we will have a better idea of possible snow totals out this pattern change this weekend into next week.