

Slow moving thunderstorms could bring localized heavy rainfall


BOZEMAN – Slow moving thunderstorms have the potential to produce localized areas of very heavy rainfall in a short amount of time.

This pattern can bring flash flooding especially for those areas that did see heavy rainfall Monday afternoon.

Right now, the areas of greatest concern is Northern Gallatin County, Northern Park County, Meagher County, and a little bit of Broadwater County.

These areas are under a FLOOD WATCH through Tuesday evening which means there is a chance for flash flooding to occur.

Scattered showers and thunderstorms are likely again Wednesday and some could produce localized heavy rainfall. A disturbance in a SW flow aloft is creating showers and thunderstorms and this system should begin to exit the region by Thursday.

By the end of the week and the upcoming weekend High-pressure will build over the region producing a warming and drying trend.