

Warm and windy with a smoky haze for Thursday

and last updated

Today's Forecast:Highs for your Thursday will once again be above average in southwest Montana. As temperatures warm up for the day you can expect to see our winds pick up to between 10-20 mph with gusts between 20-30 mph. While skies will be mostly sunny to partly cloudy by the afternoon there will be more smoke in our skies. Air quality is expected to be in the moderate category for most of the region as California wildfire smoke continues to drift into western Montana over the course of the next couple of days.

BOZEMAN: High: 79; Low: 40. Temperatures will warm quickly by the afternoon with winds between 10-20 mph with gusts near 30.

BUTTE: High: 75; Low: 36. Smoky with a quick warm-up by the afternoon. Winds will stay between 10-20 mph with occasional gusts near 25 mph.

DILLON: High: 78; Low: 37. Breezy with hazy sunshine throughout the day.

WEST YELLOWSTONE: High: 72; Low: 22. Hazy skies and mild with a southwest wind between 10-20 mph.

The high pressure that has been in place for the last several days will begin to break down this weekend and allow several cold fronts to drive through Montana. That will drop temperatures by Saturday evening and bring several chances of valley rain to the region through early next week. Mountains may get some light snow with a slight chance of snow mixing in with rain in the valleys during Sunday night or early Monday morning.