

Wintry travel conditions sticking around


BOZEMAN – Wintry travel conditions will persist for several days across the state of Montana. There will be a series of weak disturbances passing through producing scattered snow showers with light accumulations but continued icy roads.

Temperatures are finally down to near normal levels and should remain near normal for the next 5 to 7 days. This will help keep most of the snow on the ground to help ensure a white Christmas for most of SW Montana.

Over the last 24 to 48 hours local storm reports with snow totals varied from 3” to 10” between Ennis, Bozeman, and Livingston.


Area in town and highway road conditions are very icy around Bozeman. There is a lot of moisture with the snow last night and that is causing considerable thick ice over most roadways. Plan on slow-go travel conditions for the of the week. Friday morning there could be some light snow over SW Montana and again producing snow covered and icy road conditions.
